BFA Nationals COVID-19 Protocols
Baseball For All will be adhering to all COVID-19 protocols laid out by The Ripken Experience Aberdeen.
We encourage parents, players, coaches, and all of our guests to learn more about these protocols and join us in returning to play responsibly.
- Event information will be communicated digitally and key documents will be collected online.
- Whenever possible, please do not share equipment. If equipment (such as catcher’s gear) is shared, a coach should properly disinfect equipment prior to the next participant’s use.
- Home plate meetings will be limited to the umpire and one (1) coach from each team; all must practice social distancing.
- In lieu of coolers in the dugouts, each participant will receive one (1) Gatorade bottle per day.
- Dugouts will be expanded when necessary, and we ask for your cooperation in practicing social distancing.
- Only players and coaches with BFA wristbands will be allowed in the dugouts.
- Hand sanitizer will be available in the dugouts and is intended to be used upon entering and exiting the dugout, including between innings.
- No spitting, sunflower seeds, peanuts in the shell or gum.
- High-fiving and handshaking is not recommended.
- Masks are optional.
- In lieu of handshaking lines, each team will line up on their respective foul line, tip their caps to the opposing team and then to their fans.
- Gifts and awards (and rings if applicable) will be distributed to the head coach.
- Trained medical staff will be on-site for all events occurring at The Ripken Experience Aberdeen.
- As medical and governmental guidance changes, our Return to Play policies will continue to evolve. All updates will be communicated to participants in advance of their event.