Category / Videos

Baseball For All has been featured in several video segments, including CBS News, the Queen Latifah Show, and more. Here are a few of our favorite highlights!

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  • A Letter to My Younger Self

     To all the girls with big dreams, always remember who you really are and that you belong in this game. Be part of the movement to support girls in baseball with big dreams today: #BaseballForAll #FutureOfBaseball

  • Growing number of women joining college baseball | CBS This Morning

     Baseball For All is a nonprofit that pushes for equity in baseball. Alexia Jorge from New Jersey is one of the young ball players making history this year. Meg Oliver reports.

  • She’s Up

    When people ask “Is that a girl?” Tell them it’s a baseball player. As recently as the 1970s, girls were unilaterally denied the chance to play youth baseball. It took lengthy court battles to right that wrong, but even those legal wins didn’t open the floodgates for girls’ access to the sport. In fact, those…

  • This is My Game #ShesUp

    Would girls in baseball be more comfortable playing another sport? Watch to hear what they have to say. At every level of the game, we’re here to support girls who want to play, coach, and lead in baseball. See how we’re creating opportunities for girls to thrive in the sport, starting with the youth levels…

  • Baseball, the National Pastime #ShesUp

    How can baseball be called the national pastime when 52% of the nation isn’t given the same chance of playing it? As recently as the 1970s, girls were unilaterally denied the chance to play youth baseball. It took lengthy court battles to right that wrong, but even those legal wins didn’t open the floodgates for…

  • The Greatest Game | BBDO

    Too many girls are still told they can’t play baseball because they are girls. Baseball For All was founded to empower girls to believe in themselves and to keep playing the game they love.

  • Pushing for women’s baseball, a league of their own | ESPN

    At the historic home of the Rockford Peaches, nearly 300 girls took the field to celebrate the 75th anniversary of the All-American Girls Professional Baseball League, play hardball and prove their favorite sport isn’t just for boys. Photos by Carol Guzy | Text by Aimee Crawford

  • BBDO Atlanta, Baseball for All Encourage Coaches to Give Girls the Opportunity to Play Ball | Adweek

    BBDO Atlanta launched a pro-bono campaign for Baseball for All, an organization dedicated to promoting girls involvement in baseball, just in time for the opening of the World Series last night. The campaign is centered around a 60-second spot called “Ready to Play,” which utilizes a spoken-word rendition of John Fogerty‘s 1985 hit “Centerfield.” The…

  • The MLB’s 1st Female Coach Is on a Mission to Make Baseball For All | POPSUGAR

    Justine Siegal, the first ever female MLB coach, explains why women belong on the baseball field.

  • Baseball for All Empowers Young Girls | Queen Latifah Show

    Justine Siegal’s nonprofit “Baseball For All” inspires and empowers girls to know they can do anything they want to do.