With a little help from her friends, Shyanne Stuebe, 16, of Inverness, batted and outfielded in Japan in August in the first PONY Girls’ Baseball World Series and is now back home, starting her junior year as a homeschooler and planning for her next baseball event. “I liked getting the opportunity to participate in the first World Series for girls,” she said. Shyanne played in the event as a Baseball for All Ambassador and was the only player from Florida.
Baseball for All is a national nonprofit group dedicated to opening the doors for girls who want to play baseball. Shyanne’s mother, Crystal, who accompanied her, said, “In the future, when she’s looking back (at the PONY girls’ World Series), she can say, ‘Wow, I started that.’” After Shyanne qualified for the age 23-and-under team, her baseball equipment disappeared after someone stole the Stuebes’ car with all of Shyanne’s gear inside. Dick’s Sporting Goods of Ocala stepped in and replaced Shyanne’s equipment.
Read more on the Citrus County Chronicle.