Photo credit: Nancy Cantrell

“She never thought it would be possible for a girl to go very far in baseball. Now she know there is no limit to what girls can achieve.” – Michelle, Parent

Hear what other players and parents have to say about their experience with Baseball For All:

“Baseball For All is all about creating wonderful opportunities for girls to play America’s favorite pastime. They help girls to believe in themselves, provide them with excellent coaching, and the opportunities for success. What they teach the girls is a lot more than just baseball.” BFA Parent


​“She had the time of her life and said it was the greatest experience she has done in sports since playing in Cooperstown. The thing is, I probably had more fun than she did.” – Mike, Parent


​“Justine [has] made me see that with enough hard work and dedication you can accomplish anything.” BFA Player, age 14


“Thank you for all you do for this. It is truly a transcendent experience.” Mark Woodworth, Wesleyan Baseball


“Baseball For All gives girls from across the globe a safe, nurturing environment in which to play the game they love, and accomplished, caring instructors from whom they learn not just how to play baseball, but how to compete with integrity as well as ferocity and skill.” BFA Umpire


​“Baseball for All has been a blessing to my daughter by showing her that she is not alone, that there are other girls who can and do play baseball competitively.” – Richard, BFA Parent


​“BFA provides young people the opportunity to all play America’s National Pastime. In the process of learning the game they are taught about themselves and what endless possibilities are in front of them.” – Dr. Leslie Heaphy, Co-chair of the Women’s Committee for the Society of American Baseball Research

“Baseball For All has been a huge part of Chelsea still being in the game. I will never forget [Justine Siegal] autographing her hat with “FOLLOW YOUR DREAM” and that is what she has been doing since then.” – Rod Mason, Parent of Chelsea Baker, Knuckleball Phenom